Gordon Ramsays Uncharted: A Culinary Adventure With 60 Recipes From Around the Globe | 拾書所

Gordon Ramsays Uncharted: A Culinary Adventure With 60 Recipes From Around the Globe

$ 1,225 元 原價 1,225
【全球最受歡迎的主廚--地獄廚神戈登.拉姆齊】 In the National Geographic television series Uncharted, chef Gordon Ramsay travels to some of the most remote locations on Earth in search of culinary inspiration, epic adventures, and cultural experiences. Experience his journey in this beautifully illustrated collection, featuring 60 mouthwatering recipes and revealing insight into the cultures and foodways of destinations from Peru to Louisiana. From the heights of the Peruvian Andes to the banks of the Mekong River Delta in Laos, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has traveled far and wide to find culinary inspiration in some of the world’s most remote locations. In this travelogue-meets-cookbook, Ramsay reveals the rich food traditions and cultures he’s found in 25 remarkable destinations from his explorations on the National Geographic Channel’s Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted.

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