Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything | 拾書所

Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything

$ 875 元 原價 875
紐時暢銷科普作家、理論物理學家加來道雄教授科普新作! 本書將帶領讀者認識科學界視之為下一個為人類帶來突破性發展的「量子計算」(quantum computing),它將有望為人類社會目前亟欲解決的棘手問題,諸如全球暖化危機、世界飢餓人口激增與不治之症等帶來解方。 An exhilarating tour of humanity’s next great technological achievement—quantum computing—which may eventually illuminate the deepest mysteries of science and solve some of humanity’s biggest problems, like global warming, world hunger, and incurable disease, by the bestselling author of The God Equation.

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