Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective | 拾書所

Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective

$ 2,475 元 原價 2,475
【日本攝影大師森山大道作品集】日本攝影大師森山大道,是公認日本最具影響力和最多產的攝影師,半個多世紀以來一直在挑戰傳統藝術的框架。 本書是與森山大道基金會合作出版,內容詳盡又激動人心,介紹森山職業生涯的每個階段,以及他非凡的作品以及對攝影的貢獻,作為戰後日本開創性藝術家之一,森山不斷建立自己的視覺語言。 本書收錄250多幅依照時間排列的攝影作品:從60年代中期的美國占領和實驗戲劇、60年代末期關注激進實驗,再到80年代和90年代的自我反射風格以及對城市的探索,另外還有400多份罕見出版物的複製品,描繪出他視覺作品的來源。 書末附上日本著名學者的評論、藝術家的文章以及作品年表,是介紹森山大道最完整的權威之書! Widely considered Japan’s most influential and prolific photographer, Daido Moriyama has been challenging conventions of the art form for more than a half century. This exhaustive and electrifying retrospective, published in cooperation with the Daido Moriyama Foundation and based on entirely new research, looks at every stage of Moriyama’s extensive career, including his extraordinary images as well as his conceptual contributions to photography. One of a generation of postwar Japan’s groundbreaking artists, Moriyama has continually established his own visual grammar. This book features more than 250 chronologically arranged images that reveal his constantly evolving career: his early editorial work of the mid-1960s, focused on the American occupation and the experimental theater; his radical experimentation of late 1960s and the 1970s; the self-reflexive photos of the 1980s and 1990s; and his ongoing exploration of cities, among other relevant moments. It also includes more than 400 spread reproductions of Moriyama’s rarely seen publications, mapping the sources of his visual production. Rounding out the volume are texts by the editor and leading Japanese scholars, a personal essay by the artist, and a full chronology of his life and work.

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