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Welcome to Dunder Mifflin: The Ultimate Oral History of The Office

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紐時暢榜 辦公室風雲再起! 經典影集《我們的辦公室》口述歷史, 加入 Dunder Mifflin,踏上返回斯克蘭頓的旅程! 美國影集《我們的辦公室》多次榮獲艾美獎與金球獎。 演員鮑姆加特和製片人投入數百小時專訪編劇、演員和工作人員,揭開這部經典影集不為人知的幕後故事與諸多花絮。 全書收錄百幀幕後照片。 If you’ve turned on a television or logged on to Netflix at any time in the past fifteen years, chances are you’ve watched an episode of The Office. You can probably also rattle off your favorite episode, Dwight quote, Jim prank, and cringeworthy Michael Scott moment. And you may even have been one of the over 5 million viewers who tuned in (and cried) when the finale aired, only to see the show get new life as a streaming staple, becoming the #1 most-streamed show on Netflix and winning over a whole new generation of viewers.

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