雲端深入你我身邊: 新一代邊緣運算技術直達 | 拾書所

雲端深入你我身邊: 新一代邊緣運算技術直達

$ 585 元 原價 650
本書特色 ►萬物互聯,資料爆炸,物聯網時代,非邊緣運算不可 ►9大應用場景,5大核心技術,揭秘5G黑科技的邊緣運算 專家推薦 Explosion of connected devices and the tremendous amounts of data generated as a result of these devices and their machine-machine interactions, can be handled only through edge computing! Mohan Kumar Intel Fellow, Data Center Group Cloud Edge Computing is an infrastructure revolution of Hybrid Cloud. Nishi Ahuja Senior Principa

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