Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers | 拾書所

Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers

$ 442 元 原價 560
【提升溝通力,讓數字更有畫面與溫度】 史丹佛大學組織行為學教授奇普.希思闡明如何將數字轉譯為大腦容易接收的語言,藉由「簡單透視線索、鮮明意象、轉換時程、情緒數字貼」等心理學方法,深化他人理解,讓乾澀的數字變得更生動。例如說明原子核大小,可將「原子的十萬分之一」轉譯為「大教堂中的蜜蜂」激發鮮明想像;五GB的音樂儲存量,不妨用「兩個月通勤歌曲絕不重複」形容⋯ A clear, practical, first-of-its-kind guide to communicating and understanding numbers and data—from bestselling business author Chip Heath. How much bigger is a billion than a million? Well, a million seconds is twelve days. A billion seconds is…thirty-two years. Understanding numbers is essential—but humans aren’t built to understand them. Until very recently, most languages had no words for numbers greater than five—anything from six to infinity was known as “lots.” While the numbers in our world have gotten increasingly complex, our brains are stuck in the past. How can we translate millions and billions and milliseconds and nanometers into things we can comprehend and use? Author Chip Heath has excelled at teaching others about making ideas stick and here, in Making Numbers Count, he outlines specific principles that reveal how to translate a number into our brain’s language. This book is filled with examples of extreme number makeovers, vivid before-and-after examples that take a dry number and present it in a way that people click in and say “Wow, now I get it!” A clear, practical, first-of-its-kind guide to communicating and understanding numbers and data—from bestselling business author Chip Heath. How much bigger is a billion than a million? Well, a million seconds is twelve days. A billion seconds is…thirty-two years. Understanding numbers is essential—but humans aren’t built to understand them. Until very recently, most languages had no words for numbers greater than five—anything from six to infinity was known as “lots.” While the numbers in our world have gotten increasingly complex, our brains are stuck in the past. How can we translate millions and billions and milliseconds and nanometers into things we can comprehend and use? Author Chip Heath has excelled at teaching others about making ideas stick and here, in Making Numbers Count, he outlines specific principles that reveal how to translate a number into our brain’s language. This book is filled with examples of extreme number makeovers, vivid before-and-after examples that take a dry number and present it in a way that people click in and say “Wow, now I get it!”

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