White Numen: A Sacred Animal Tarot | 拾書所

White Numen: A Sacred Animal Tarot

$ 820 元 原價 820
取材自多種文化中的神聖動物,在大自然與生俱來的力量中尋找指引,現代風格的插畫用色輕盈清新,值得收藏。 Liminal 11為英國專門出版塔羅牌/神諭卡和身心靈療癒相關產品的出版社,插畫由英國插畫家Alba Ballesta González繪製。 A tarot deck that lights your path to the spiritual realm. Inspired by ancient rituals and stories of sacred animal spirits, White Numen: A Sacred Animal Tarot forms a path to human reconnection with the natural world and spiritual realm. Sacred animal spirits ( Numen ) are interwoven into the classical imagery of the tarot to create stunning cards that are both otherworldly and yet highly contemporary. A stunning and original tarot deck by AlbaBG (a.k.a. Alba Ballesta González).

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