《彼得潘》(Peter pan)是一部充滿想像與冒險的經典兒童故事。描述一位不願長大、想永遠過著孩童般無憂無慮的生活的男孩彼得潘,與一群孩子在夢幻島上的生活。他們脫離成人世界的狡詐與複雜,以最自然純真的方式生活,帶領我們走進一個成人永遠觸摸不到的夢幻島,一圓孩童時期的美夢。無論是兒童或成人,閱讀本書都能獲得最單純的快樂。Children are gay and innocent and heartless.
Peter Pan, produced for the stage in 1904 but appeared as a narrative story in 1911, is a fantasy work by Scottish playwright and novelist James Matthew Barrie (1860–1937).
Barrie is best remembered for inventing the character of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy, who lives in Neverland, better known as Never-Never Land, a country where no child ever grows up.
The most apparent theme in the story concerns growing up (or not), with the character of Peter wanting to remain a child forever and refusing to grow up. "Peter Pan syndrome" has become a psychiatric term named to describe an adult who is afraid of commitment or refuses to act his/her age. It is also sometimes used to positively describe an innocent approach to life.