Funny! Twenty-Five Years of Laughter from the Pixar Story Room | 拾書所

Funny! Twenty-Five Years of Laughter from the Pixar Story Room

$ 693 元 原價 1,050



從《玩具總動員》到《恐龍當家》,皮克斯電影中最具指標性及歡樂的畫面,都由本書所介紹的動畫藝術家所構思。這些為人津津樂道的動畫片段背後,隱藏著許多被終極剪接室忍痛剪掉的漏網鏡頭及惡搞內容,例如《汽車總動員》的拖吊車「拖線」(Mater)所扮演的無厘頭忍者,或是《腦筋急轉彎》中的「憂憂」(Sadness)被強迫穿上阿嬤般的高腰牛仔褲。書中深入探討歷年來皮克斯最經典的動畫作品,從皮克斯檔案室挖掘許多從未公開的插畫及塗鴉,再透過資深故事人Jason Katz做導讀,造就出這本皮克斯迷此生必須珍藏的大作。

皮克斯動畫室首席創意總監約翰‧拉薩特(John Lasseter)為獲得兩屆奧斯卡金像獎的動畫導演,更是迪士尼幻想工程的首席創意顧問。親自執導的作品有《玩具總動員》(Toy Story)、《蟲蟲危機》(A Bug’s Life)、《玩具總動員2》(Toy Story 2)及《汽車總動員》(Cars)。

Jason Katz為資深故事總監,曾與許多奧斯卡得獎動畫合作,包括《海底總動員》(Finding Nemo)、《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille)及《玩具總動員3》(Toy Story 3)。

From Toy Story to The Good Dinosaur, some of the most iconic and hilarious moments in Pixar's films were first conceived by the artists featured in this book. But there are hundreds of gags that don't make it past the cutting room floor, like Mater as a ninja and Sadness wearing mom jeans. Funny! explores this material in depth, showcasing classic moments from all of Pixar's films to date, plus never-before-published illustrations and doodles from the Pixar archives. With an introduction by veteran story man Jason Katz, this book is a must-have for any Pixar fan.

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