The Steal Like an Artist Journal: A Note for Creative Kleptomaniacs | 拾書所

The Steal Like an Artist Journal: A Note for Creative Kleptomaniacs

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紐約時報暢銷書Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work作家Austin Kleon再次以自己從事藝術相關工作的經驗,分享10點重要的生命智慧。


1.Steal like an artist. 向藝術家一樣偷師學藝。
2.Don’t wait until you know who you are to get started. 不要等到什麼都了解後才開始行動。
3.Write the book you want to read.動手去寫你想要讀的書。
4.Use your hands.親自體驗。
5.Side projects and hobbies are important.一定要有興趣。
6.The secret: do good work and share it with people. 不僅把工作完成,還要懂得分享。
7.Geography is no longer our master. •不要受地理條件的限制。
8.Be nice. (The world is a small town.)對人友好(這是一個地球村)。
9.Be boring. (It’s the only way to get work done.)忍受無趣(工作時必須的態度)。
10.Creativity is subtraction.•創作就是做減法。

Following Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work!, both New York Times bestsellers with 614,000 copies in print, The Steal Like an Artist Journal is the next step in the journey. It combines Kleon's unique and compelling ideas on being creative with the physical quality that makes journals like Moleskines so enormously popular. Its page after page of ideas, prompts, quotes, and exercises are like a daily course in creativity a portable workshop and sourcebook of inspiration. Each spread has one page offering a prompt or exercise, and the other blank for writing, drawing, doodling, whatever. There are lists to fill in, 10 Things I Want to Learn, 10 Things I Probably Think About More Than the Average Person. Challenges to take. Illustrated creative exercises Make a Mixtape (for someone who doesn't know you), and Fill the Speech Balloons. Pro and con charts. What Excites You?/What Drains You?

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