Collected Poems: 1950-2012 | 拾書所

Collected Poems: 1950-2012

$ 1,383 元 原價 1,750


當代美國文壇最具影響力的女性主義詩人安卓亞.芮曲(Adrienne Rich)橫跨60年的詩歌合集。

「安卓亞.芮曲的詩透過愛、性別與歷史的人類困境而遊走在不同的路徑中。總是強烈地聚焦在違反社會規範與悖離的心理狀態,同時也不犧牲對抒情與意象和諧的追尋。她感受並理解真正的經驗語境,也從未放棄對公平與正義的探求。這本詩歌合集結合了詩人在詩的形式與實驗的精神,她送給我們的傑作,是對21世紀詩意的探詢。」- Yusef Komunyakaa (普立茲詩歌獎得主)



這本詩歌合集顯現她在詩歌上的演進變化,從早期符合詩的格律到晚期在詩歌形式上的自由與內容上偏向女性主義與政治的議題,本書也收錄了她獲得美國國家圖書獎的《潛進沈船處》(Diving into the Wreck)以及榮獲美國詩人獎的《困頓世界的地圖》(Atlas of the Difficult World)。

The collected works of Adrienne Rich, whose poetry is “distinguished by an unswerving progressive vision and a dazzling, empathic ferocity” (New York Times).

Adrienne Rich was the singular voice of her generation and one of our most important American poets. She brought discussions of gender, race, and class to the forefront of poetical discourse, pushing formal boundaries and consistently examining both self and society.

This collected volume traces the evolution of her poetry, from her earliest work, which was formally exact and decorous, to her later work, which became increasingly radical in both its free-verse form and feminist and political content. The entire body of her poetry is on display in this vast volume, including the National Book Award–winning Diving Into the Wreck and her prize-winning Atlas of the Difficult World.

The Collected Poems of Adrienne Rich gathers and memorializes all of her boldly political, formally ambitious, thoughtful, and lucid work, the whole of which makes her one of the most prolific and influential poets of our time.

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