Her Again: Becoming Meryl Streep | 拾書所

Her Again: Becoming Meryl Streep

$ 599 元 原價 599



「藉由汲取劇場回憶錄、與史翠普同事與朋友的對話、以及她多年來的大量訪談,Schulman構築了一個栩栩如生的故事……Schulman對於史翠普私生活的審慎處理,成功描繪一位天賦異稟的女性。這是一本輕快、閒聊又有趣的傳記。」--科克斯書評(Kirkus Reviews)



本書記錄梅莉.史翠普早期在瓦薩學院(Vassar College)與耶魯大學戲劇學院(Yale School of Drama)的演出,到她畢業後不久,在紐約得到兩個百老匯重要角色的演出機會、獲東尼獎提名、中央公園的莎士比亞公園劇場(Shakespeare in the Park)的兩個角色,以及之後在《越戰獵鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)、《曼哈頓》(Manhattan)與《克拉瑪對克拉瑪》(Kramer vs. Kramer)等電影中嶄露頭角。即使在當時,人們都說:「又是她。」

《紐約客》撰稿人Michael Schulman不僅描寫梅莉.史翠普在紐約劇場的傑出表現,也記錄她與演員約翰.卡佐爾(John Cazale)悲劇而短暫的戀情、與雕刻家唐.甘莫(Don Gummer)的婚姻,以及她自1970年代以來的轉變,看她如何面對與理解女性主義、婚姻、愛與犧牲不斷變動的概念。


A portrait of a woman, an era, and a profession: the first thoroughly researchedbiography of Meryl Streep the Iron Lady of acting, nominated for nineteen Oscars and winner of three that explores her beginnings as a young woman of the 1970s grappling with love, feminism, and her astonishing talent.

In 1975 Meryl Streep, a promising young graduate of the Yale School of Drama, was finding her place in the New York theater scene. Burning with talent and ambition, she was like dozens of aspiring actors of the time a twenty-something beauty who rode her bike everywhere, kept a diary, napped before performances, and stayed out late talking about acting with actors in actors bars. Yet Meryl stood apart from her peers. In her first season in New York, she won attention-getting parts in back-to-back Broadway plays, a Tony Award nomination, and two roles in Shakespeare in the Park productions. Even then, people said, Her. Again.

Her Again is an intimate look at the artistic coming-of-age of the greatest actress of her generation, from the homecoming float at her suburban New Jersey high school, through her early days on the stage at Vassar College and the Yale School of Drama during its golden years, to her star-making roles in The Deer Hunter, Manhattan, and Kramer vs.Kramer. New Yorker contributor Michael Schulman brings into focus Meryl s heady rise to stardom on the New York stage; her passionate, tragically short-lived love affair with fellow actor John Cazale; her marriage to sculptor Don Gummer; and her evolution as a young woman of the 1970s wrestling with changing ideas of feminism, marriage, love, and sacrifice.

Featuring eight pages of black-and-white photos, this captivating story of the making of one of the most revered artistic careers of our time reveals a gifted young woman coming into her extraordinary talents at a time of immense transformation, offering a rare glimpse into the life of the actress long before she became an icon."

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