The Power of the Other: The Startling Effect Other People Have on You, From the Boardroom to the Bedroom and beyond and What to Do a | 拾書所

The Power of the Other: The Startling Effect Other People Have on You, From the Boardroom to the Bedroom and beyond and What to Do a

$ 395 元 原價 599



著有暢銷書《收尾學: 開啟未來的決策力》及《過猶不及》的亨利‧克勞德博士,再度提出全新及大膽的成功理論。大部分的企業教練都專注指導領袖人才關於技能與知識的學習,及改善績效差距,這些學習是必須的,但對於想真正達到成功仍顯不足。亨利‧克勞德綜合神經科學理論與他過往訓練許多領袖人才的經驗,他認為唯有擁有良好的個人與職場關係,才能助長成功及突破框架。坊間許多心靈成長書大多建議我們避免讓其他人比我們更強大,但事實上他人的強大其實也會增強自我。結合許多重要案例及大腦研究,克勞德博士認為不論你是海豹部隊的一員或是企業高管,自我擁有卓越的表現其實都與周圍夥伴的行為有密不可分的關聯,或許你無法選擇他人是否比你強大,但你可以選擇與這些強大的人建立良好關係,以吸取更多正面力量。


An expert on the psychology of leadership and the bestselling author of Integrity, Necessary Endings, and Boundaries For Leaders identifies the critical ingredient for personal and professional wellbeing.

Most leadership coaching focuses on helping leaders build their skills and knowledge and close performance gaps. These are necessary, but not sufficient. Using evidence from neuroscience and his work with leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud shows that the best performers draw on another vital resource: personal and professional relationships that fuel growth and help them surpass current limits.

Popular wisdom suggests that we should not allow others to have power over us, but the reality is that they do, for better or for worse. Consider the boss who diminishes you through cutting remarks versus one who challenges you to get better. Or the colleague who always seeks the limelight versus the one who gives you the confidence to finish a difficult project. Or the spouse who is honest and supportive versus the one who resents your success. No matter how talented, intelligent, or experienced, the greatest leaders share one commonality: the power of the others in their lives.

Combining engaging case studies, persuasive findings from cutting-edge brain research, and examples from his consulting practice, Dr. Cloud argues that whether you’re a Navy SEAL or a corporate executive, outstanding performance depends on having the right kind of connections to fuel personal growth and minimize toxic associations and their effects. Presenting a dynamic model of the impact these different kinds of connections produce, Dr. Cloud shows readers how to get more from themselves by drawing on the strength and expertise of others. You don’t have a choice whether or not others have power in your life, but you can choose what kinds of relationships you want.

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