Geomorphia: An Extreme Coloring and Search Challenge | 拾書所

Geomorphia: An Extreme Coloring and Search Challenge

$ 332 元 原價 420


《幻獸王國》系列作者Kerby Rosanes再度超越極限,全新打造奇幻巨獻

菲律賓藝術家Kerby Rosanes擅長以錯綜複雜的精細線條,搭配充滿奇幻及珍奇異獸的創作聞名,作品仔細觀看可發現黑白線條中隱藏著各種生物、人物、花紋和微小的元素,再完美結合成巨大及超現實的特殊圖像,充滿驚奇的細微設計,不論是古文明遺跡、中古世紀城堡、前衛的現代城市,或是蒸氣龐克詭譎的畫風,遠觀或近看都有其迷人之處。


A fantastic new, single-sided adult coloring book from the bestselling artist behind Fantomorphia, Mythomorphia, and Animorphia.

An amazing coloring challenge featuring the strange and superdetailed images of artist Kerby Rosanes. Kerby works in intricately detailed black-and-white lines to create creatures, characters, patterns, and tiny elements to form massive compositions of mind-boggling complexity. His second single-sided book invites readers to complete the drawings and find hidden treasures and creatures scattered throughout its pages.

Geomorphia is packed full of intricate images of stunning creatures and landscapes morphing and shapeshifting into Kerby's signature, breathtaking scenes. The world that he imagines will excite and transport drawers, as he brings this beautiful fantasyscape and its creatures to life.

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