Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education | 拾書所

Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That's Transforming Education

$ 599 元 原價 599



他在近二十年已經是教育界最重要的領導聲音之一,以《讓天賦自由》開創了許多國家對創意與 教育的討論聲浪,促發教育改革的新視野。在新作中,更全新探討學校教育不應以齊頭式、標準化進行,善用先進科技及豐富教學資源,給予孩子「客製化」的適性 教育才是解藥。他領我們前往教育現場,觀看革命性的教育新制如何讓揮灑與生俱來的天賦終成可能。

暢銷書The Element《讓天賦自由》, Find Your Element《發現天賦之旅》影響全球的潛能開發,成為主流之音。

2006年在TED Talks以how schools kill creativity 為主題的演講,迄今超過千萬人次觀看,是觀看頻率最高的演講視頻。

這位在全球教育領域中影響力最高者之一的Ken Robinson,提出創意比識字重要,推動學習革命,一再強調激發個人創造力和潛力是這個時代最重要的議題,引發全球熱烈討論,贏得許多人認同與關注。最新著作Creative Schools,繼續以充滿鼓舞和說服力的文字,針對全球都為之困擾的國家教育系統,鄭重建議他認為因應當今潮流與環境而要展現的正向轉變。



A revolutionary reappraisal of how to educate our children and young people by Ken Robinson, the New York Times bestselling author of The Element and Finding Your Element
Ken Robinson is one of the world’s most influential voices in education, and his 2006 TED Talk on the subject is the most viewed in the organization’s history. Now, the internationally recognized leader on creativity and human potential focuses on one of the most critical issues of our time: how to transform the nation’s troubled educational system. At a time when standardized testing businesses are raking in huge profits, when many schools are struggling, and students and educators everywhere are suffering under the strain, Robinson points the way forward. He argues for an end to our outmoded industrial educational system and proposes a highly personalized, organic approach that draws on today’s unprecedented technological and professional resources to engage all students, develop their love of learning, and enable them to face the real challenges of the twenty-first century. Filled with anecdotes, observations and recommendations from professionals on the front line of transformative education, case histories, and groundbreaking research—and written with Robinson’s trademark wit and engaging style—Creative Schools will inspire teachers, parents, and policy makers alike to rethink the real nature and purpose of education.

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