Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress | 拾書所

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

$ 399 元 原價 399




一本了不起的著作,Steven Pinker以廣泛的視野,敘述人類文明從健康到戰爭、從環境到幸福指數,從性別或總族的平權到生活品質等各種指標的具體進步。

這本書延續了Steven Pinker的前作The Better Angels of Our Nature展現了人類在歷史上進步的全貌,現今的人類更長壽,更健康,更自由,也更快樂。雖然今天我們面臨諸多重大的問題,但關鍵在於人類的理性,充分運用科學與理論找到明天的出路。

世界真的分崩離析了嗎?追求進步的觀念是否過時?認知科學家,也是公共知識分子的作者Steven Pinker回顧人類三千年的發展歷史,雖然現今充斥著負面的言論與混亂的世界情勢,對於未來的悲觀預言等,但作者提醒我們從資料與數據來看,在七十五張令人驚訝的圖表中,Steven Pinker指出人類不論在生活、健康、繁榮、安全、和平,知識教育與幸福感等各指標都在提升當中,這並不僅限於西方世界,而是整個世界在各領域都有普遍的進步。這並不是因為什麼宇宙中的神祕力量,而是啟蒙運動的恩賜,理性與科學能夠促使人類文明更加繁榮。



The follow-up to Pinker's pathbreaking The Better Angels of Our Nature argues that despite the rampant pessimism about the state of the world today, the facts prove that we are on a significant path upward and can continue that way, but only if we understand the ideals (and embrace the tools) that have created that progress. A necessary counter to the current gospel of doom.

Are things really going to hell in a handbasket? In this elegant and urgent assessment of the human condition in the third millennium,cognitive scientist and public intellectual Steven Pinker proves that--despite the robust market for prophecies of woe--we're living longer, healthier, safer, richer, freer, happier, and more meaningful lives worldwide. The problems we face are formidable, but we have the tools to solve them. Our best days are, indeed, still ahead of us.

Progress is not inevitable, or the result of some mysterious force, he argues; it is the fruit of a system of beliefs and values that many of us embrace without even realizing it. These are the ideals of the Enlightenment: the conviction that we can use reason and science to enhance human flourishing. Far from being a naïve dream, the Enlightenment, we now know, has worked. Pinker shows in more than sixty jaw-dropping graphs that humanity is far better off than it was decades and centuries ago. But because of our cognitive and moral biases, we overlook this progress and prefer to sermonize about decline and despair

This myopia is dangerous, Pinker argues. It makes us sink into a paralyzing cynicism, demonize enemies instead of solve problems, and embrace demagogues and political and religious radicalism. But science and reason have given us a deep understanding of life and the cosmos, the conquest of pestilence and famine, and the precious gift of liberal democracy. The tools for to help us continue to survive and thrive are in our hands.

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