Simply Nigella: Feel Good Food | 拾書所

Simply Nigella: Feel Good Food

$ 726 元 原價 1,100



2014年獲得Observer Food Monthly Awards讀者票選值得信任的美食推薦者。

最有影響力的英國美食作家之一、決戰英國好味道主持人Nigella Lawson,在BBC2推出同名節目Simply Nigella,回到螢光幕前,回饋喜愛她的觀眾們,一系列讓自己減少壓力的療癒食物,獲得廣大迴響,這位兩個孩子的媽表示:「這是關於讓生活更輕鬆,感覺更好、更有活力和減少壓力的療癒食譜。」

無論什麼場合,準備食材,烹煮食物,永遠是愉快的。Simply Nigella 125道簡單療癒食譜,從晚餐的味噌鮭魚,花椰菜和腰果咖哩,到坐在沙發上看電視想用的泰式風味麵,以及釋放壓力的宵夜,還是盡情享用的甜點、早餐,奈潔拉的烹飪與食譜,總是以簡單和輕鬆,與令人滿意的節奏,讓讀者在動手作的過程中,享受烹飪樂趣,是一本製作精美、非常實用,且能達到放鬆心情多重功效的療癒食譜。

‘Part of the balance of life lies in understanding that different days require different ways of eating…’

Whatever the occasion, food – in the making and the eating – should always be pleasurable. Simply Nigella taps into the rhythms of our cooking lives, with recipes that are uncomplicated, relaxed and yet always satisfying.

From quick and calm suppers (Miso Salmon, Cauliflower & Cashew Nut Curry) to stress-free ideas when catering for a crowd (Chicken Traybake with Bitter Orange & Fennel), or the instant joy of bowlfood for cosy nights on the sofa (Thai Noodles with Cinnamon and Prawns), here is food guaranteed to make everyone feel good.

Whether you need to create some breathing space at the end of a long week (Asian-Flavoured Short Ribs), indulge in a sweet treat (Lemon Pavlova, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pots) or wake up to a strength-giving breakfast (Toasty Olive Oil Granola), Nigella’s new cookbook is filled with recipes destined to become firm favourites.

Simply Nigella is the perfect antidote to our busy lives: a calm and glad celebration of food to soothe and uplift.

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