A Horse Walks into a Bar | 拾書所

A Horse Walks into a Bar

$ 446 元 原價 495


以《直到大地盡頭》蜚聲國際的以色列獲獎作家大衛.格羅斯曼(David Grossman)為我們帶來一部炙熱痛苦的小說,透過單口相聲演員一晚的表演,說盡他一生的故事。他在喜劇與觀眾之間漫舞,夾槍帶棒的言詞在空氣中激烈來回,一個將改變許多聽眾生命的深沉故事就要開始。

「大衛.格羅斯曼嘗試以充滿野心的走鋼索技巧,完成了一部令人驚嘆的小說。《走進酒吧的馬》(A Horse Walks into a Bar)以不帶一絲傷感將聚光燈打在因痛苦而產生的各種效應上。主角好挑戰他人又身帶瑕疵,但卻是那麼吸引人。格羅斯曼如此願意在情感與寫作風格上涉險,這讓我們大為驚喜,作家技巧的極致典範,使得他的每一個句子都有意義,每一個字都重要。」 - 國際曼布克獎評審嘉詞

以色列小城裡的廉價小酒吧,上演著過氣的喜劇演員Dov Greenstein的單人脫口秀。在那一晚的表演裡,觀眾席上有地方法官Avishai Lazar,他是Dov打小就認識的人,有些觀眾記得Dov還是小男孩時的身軀,怪異且骨瘦如柴,用雙手走路來擊退鄰居的霸凌。酒吧中的表演在笑鬧與歇斯底里之間擺盪,他的順口溜變成了回憶錄,將我們帶到他童年的恐懼當中:我們看見一個母親的美麗花朵,一個需要不斷被監視的大屠殺倖存者,他那讓人身心俱疲的父親,一個鬥士卻不了解他深富創意的兒子。最後,他回憶起歷時一周的軍營生活,在那裡,Lazar目睹了Dov在脫口秀中即將到來重頭戲:他童年裡最驚怖的日子。Dov在描述那不可名狀的痛苦時,Lazar也在這個單口相聲員的故事裡與自己所經歷的做角力。


In a little dive in a small Israeli city, Dov Greenstein, a comedian a bit past his prime, is doing a night of standup. In the audience is a district court justice, Avishai Lazar, whom Dov knew as a boy, along with a few others who remember Dov as the awkward, scrawny kid who walked on his hands to confound the neighborhood bullies. Gradually, teetering between hilarity and hysteria, Dov's patter becomes a kind of memoir, taking us back into the terrors of his childhood-his beautiful flower of a mother, a Holocaust survivor in need of constant monitoring; his punishing father, a striver who had little understanding of his creative son. Finally, recalling his week at a military camp for youth-where Lazar witnessed what became the central event of Dov's childhood-Dov describes the indescribable while Lazar wrestles with his own part in the comedian's story of loss and survival. A beautiful performance by Grossman (jokes in questionable taste included).

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