Frankissstein | 拾書所


$ 499 元 原價 715





Ry Shelley是個跨性別的醫生,自認介於雙性之間,平時以女性名Mary Shelley生活著,習慣用複數人稱來稱呼自己。Ry愛上了Victor Stein。

Victor Stein是個研究人工智能的教授,平時靠著Ry提供的人體區塊做實驗,致力於將人的大腦轉化成數據,並且轉化到不同形式體上:蔬菜、動物或者礦物。

同時剛離婚的Ron Lord,不得不搬回家跟老媽同住,準備要靠撫慰單身男性的性愛玩偶大賺一筆;大西洋的另一端,美國鳳凰城有一間冷凍庫,冰滿了醫生判定已死亡,卻在等待重生的人體。

在19世紀的平行宇宙,Mary Shelley認為女人是生命的誕生者,她的丈夫Percy是個忠誠卻不實際到無藥可救的詩人,想和任何會移動的生物發生關係的Lord Byron則是她的好友。

英國作家Jeanette Winterson以有趣、大膽的口吻說著人類已不再是最高等智慧體的未來。曾獲選為「BBC百大女性」之一的Winrerson,用人工智能和性別議題來講愛與渴望,這個現代版的《科學怪人》就是給生命本身的情書。

From 'one of the most gifted writers working today' (New York Times) comes an audacious new novel about the bodies we live in and the bodies we desire

In Brexit Britain, a young transgender doctor called Ry is falling in love – against their better judgement – with Victor Stein, a celebrated professor leading the public debate around AI.

Meanwhile, Ron Lord, just divorced and living with Mum again, is set to make his fortune launching a new generation of sex dolls for lonely men everywhere.

Across the Atlantic, in Phoenix, Arizona, a cryogenics facility houses dozens of bodies of men and women who are medically and legally dead… but waiting to return to life.

But the scene is set in 1816, when nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley writes a story about creating a non-biological life-form. ‘Beware, for I am fearless and therefore powerful.'

What will happen when homo sapiens is no longer the smartest being on the planet? Jeanette Winterson shows us how much closer we are to that future than we realise. Funny and furious, bold and clear-sighted, Frankissstein is a love story about life itself.

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