Treasures of Bob Dylan | 拾書所

Treasures of Bob Dylan

$ 907 元 原價 1,375


Treasures of Bob Dylan以前所未有的方式,述說了反主流文化最偉大的人物之一Bob Dylan的故事。本書以大量的照片與獨特的收藏,描繪了狄倫從明尼蘇達的平凡開始,一直到他在紐約及其他地方對成功的追尋。本書完整地呈現狄倫具開創性的作品,以及在藝術與音樂領域的時代影響,為所有世代的音樂與文化迷,展現重要的洞察。


「紀錄當今世界最具影響力音樂家的一生並不容易,然而作者Brian Southall卻輕而易舉地做到了。如果你沒有放這本書的茶几,買一個吧!」

--英國雙月刊音樂雜誌Rock 'n' Reel

"Treasures of Bob Dylan" tells the story of one of counter culture's biggest heroes, as never before. It illustrates Bob Dylan's journey in beautiful photographs and unique memorabilia from his unassuming beginnings in Minnesota through to his quest for success in the Big Apple and beyond. Bob Dylan's groundbreaking work and epochal impact on the art and music scene is encapsulated completely in this book, making it an essential insight for music and culture fans of all ages.

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