The Snow Queen | 拾書所

The Snow Queen

$ 370 元 原價 560


丹麥作家安徒生經典故事《冰雪女王》,搭配英國/芬蘭設計師Sanna Annukka插圖,本書再現了當代北歐的氛圍。帶著銀色裝飾圖案的藍色精裝書,是大人小孩都適合的禮物書。

《冰雪女王》可說是安徒生篇幅最長、人物最多的童話故事。C.S. Lewis《獅子、女巫與魔衣櫥》中的雪后以及迪士尼動畫電影《冰雪奇緣》的Elsa皆以這篇童話故事的冰雪女王為原型。故事主角是一對青梅竹馬的Gerda與Kay,當男孩Kay受冰雪女王的誘惑遠離家鄉,無畏艱辛的女孩Gerda踏上了尋人之旅。一路上受善心動物和人的幫助,也遭遇邪惡兇猛之徒的阻礙,最終在Gerda不屈不撓的意志下,將Kay帶回故鄉。書中流露的愛、忠誠與犧牲,使得安徒生成為不朽的作家。

書中插畫由知名品牌Marimekko設計師Sanna Annukka繪製,以幾何圖案呈現版畫與剪影的風格,是Sanna Annukka深受歡迎的標記。

Gorgeously packaged with intricate illustrations from Finnish illustrator, Sanna Annukka, this new edition of Hans Christian Andersen's well-loved fairy tale, The Snow Queen, is the perfect holiday gift for adults and children alike.

Hans Christian Andersen's magical tale of friendship and adventure is retold through the beautiful and intricate illustrations of Finnish illustrator Sanna Annukka. Cloth-bound in deep blue, with silver foil embellishments, The Snow Queen is elevated from a children's book to a unique work of art. It is an ideal gift for people of all ages.

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