百萬暢銷書This Is Going to
Hurt作者Adam Kay新作,值班醫師在耶誕前夕的醫院見聞,展演著時而爆笑、時而心碎的百態人生。
「這份工作的許多回報多以溫暖的柔光出現,它不會讓你看上去不疲憊,你也不能拿它來付房租,它也不值得你拿來交換社交生活,但是這個撫慰人心的善美靈光,一定會投射在某些黑暗的角落,幫助你忍受一堆”屎”。」 - Adam Kay
耶誕節就要到了,鵝兒也養肥了,140萬名英國健保署員工整裝待發,準備迎接一年中最忙碌的時光。喜劇演員Adam Kay從他的菜鳥醫師日記裡,重現接生寶寶,以及取出卡在病人身體各處的無用玩意兒的場景。25篇故事訴說了最有趣、令人訝異且不可思議的各種耶誕節事件,並且感恩於英國健保署無名英雄們的犧牲奉獻與他們所面對的各種挑戰。
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...but 1.4 million NHS staff are heading off to work. In this perfect present for anyone who has ever set foot in a hospital, Adam Kay delves back into his diaries for a hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking peek behind the blue curtain at Christmastime.
Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas is a love letter to all those who spend their festive season on the front line, removing babies and baubles from the various places they get stuck, at the most wonderful time of the year.