這是一本為全女性設計團隊所打造的精裝設計全冊,將世界不同類型的精湛設計作品融入一冊。收錄的女設計師作品包括圖像設計師Anna Kuts、 品牌商標設計師Sevilya Nariman-qizi、日本海報設計師Asuka Watanabe、澳洲墨爾本的Beci Orpin、藝術字體設計師Birgit Palma、擅長彩色印花圖案設計的藝術家Camille Walala、韓國CFC設計工作室的品牌識別設計師Charry Jeon、新派平面設計大師Leslie David、新加坡設計工作室Foreign Policy創意總監Yu Yah-Leng等。
DESIGN(H)ERS is a stunning showcase of up-and-coming talent spanning across a variety of design mediums to highlight the distinction and diversity that women bring to their respective fields. Coupled with compelling stories revolving around the journeys of luminaries who have already made their mark, this book serves to intrigue and inspire the creatives of the future.