Duffy Bowie: Five Sessions | 拾書所

Duffy Bowie: Five Sessions

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1972~1980年之間Brian Duffy鏡頭下的五種大衛•鮑伊,記錄他的事業歷程,以及與許多藝術家的各種創作關係。是一部從影像了解這位60年代崛起的巨星。

如果說大衛鮑伊是60年代崛起的巨星,那麼攝影師Brian Duffy手中的相機則是定義20世紀60年代巨星形象的鏡頭,拍攝的明星個個有名,同時,他也被公認為是時尚攝影「紀錄片」的創新者之一,徹底改變了時尚的形象,確定了時尚風格。

他70年代最著名的照片期,就是是大衛•鮑伊的專輯Aladdin Sane,也是本書封面照片,從此成為大衛•鮑伊的漫長音樂生涯的標誌,你也可以說這張照片是為流行樂界的蒙娜麗莎。另外他們合作過的四張作品:Ziggy Stardust, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Scary Monsters , Lodger ,他們的合作對整個樂壇起著開創性的作用。

撰寫本書的作者之一Chris Doffy為Brian Duffy之子,鉅細靡遺回顧了這五件作品合作當時的過程與軼事,不僅再現藝術創作的勇敢創新,也再現當時挑戰搖滾樂核心價值觀的大衛•鮑伊,值得珍藏。

Illustrates Brian Duffy's five different photographic shoots with David Bowie, documenting Bowie's career and pioneering reinvention, as well as Duffy's special relationship with the artist over almost a decade
Includes some of the most famous Bowie images together with out takes and rare shots
Foreword by Sir Peter Blake
Brian Duffy defined the image of the 1960s, and was as famous as the stars he photographed. Together with David Bailey and Terence Donovan, he is recognised as one of the innovators of 'documentary' fashion photography, a style which revolutionised fashion imagery and furthermore the fashion industry. 

Duffy's most famous photograph dates from the 1970s and is the iconic and revolutionary cover of David Bowie's album 'Aladdin Sane' , a shot that became the defining look of Bowie's long career, and has been referred to as the 'Mona Lisa' of pop. The photographer and the rock star collaborated on four other projects: 'Ziggy Stardust' , 'The Man Who Fell to Earth' , 'Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)' and 'Lodger' . They worked together during the pivotal years of Bowie's career; when the king of glam was assuming and discarding extraordinary personas, Duffy was capturing them all. 

Written by David Bowie's biographer, Kevin Cann, 'Duffy/Bowie - Five Sessions' features anecdotes and stories from those attending the shoots - including Tony Defries (Bowie's manager at the time of 'Ziggy Stardust'); Celia Philo (designer) & Philip Castle (airbrush artist) from the famous 'Aladdin Sane' shoot; Francis Newman (Duffy's studio manager); May Routh (costume designer) from 'The Man Who Fell to Earth'; Geoff MacCormack (musician and Bowie's childhood friend); Derek Boshier (art director of Lodger ); Natasha Kornilof costume designer for 'Scary Monsters'; Edward Bell (artist); Steve Strange (musician) and Duffy's son, Chris, who also worked on the 'Scary Monsters' session. Included are many unseen images and behind the scenes photographs.

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