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Unnatural Causes

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英國頂尖法醫Richard Shepherd解開神秘又古怪的醫學鑑識問題


 英國頂尖法醫Richard Shepherd的主要工作是為非自然死因的屍體作鑑識。不論從犯罪現場或是各大法庭皆有他的蹤跡。透過屍體上的任何細微發現,都將成為主持正義的重要關鍵。他的鑑定結果能讓真正的殺人兇手繩之以法,讓無辜者免於牢獄之災,並使許多未解的神秘案件重獲真相大白。

 Shepherd對於解開屍體上的秘密相當著迷,為了尋找更多真相,正義與同情心驅使他達成無數挑戰,屢次成功逆轉判決的英國法醫權威,以專業的法醫學知識抽絲剝繭、找出遺漏證據,不論是自殺還是他殺,唯有讓屍體上的蛛絲馬跡自己告訴你。本書收錄的故事皆出自真實案件,看法醫權威Richard Shepherd如何從犯罪現場、屍體徵狀等,推導出事件真正過程,忠實傳達來自亡者的微弱聲音,尋求最終真相。

The dead do not hide the truth and they never lie. Through me the dead can speak ...

Dr Richard Shepherd is the UK's foremost forensic pathologist, his job to understand the deaths which may have no natural cause. From crime scene to court room, his findings are crucial to the pursuit of justice. His work has seen killers put behind bars, exonerated the innocent, and turned open and shut cases on their heads.

Shepherd's obsession with revealing the secrets of the dead is personal. At medical school, while performing his first autopsy, he held the heart of the patient in his hand and thought of his late mother, taken too early by heart disease.

He became driven by the challenge of finding the truth, of seeing justice, and by compassion: sometimes for the dead, but always for those they have left behind.

Thoughtful, revealing, chilling, sometimes bizarre and always unputdownable, Unnatural Causes is the true crime book of the year.

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