The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War | 拾書所

The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War

$ 478 元 原價 605
《叛國英雄: 雙面諜O.A.G.》 【比爾蓋茲2020年度推薦書單】'THE BEST TRUE SPY STORY I HAVE EVER READ' JOHN LE CARRÉA thrilling Cold War story about a KGB double agent, by one of Britain's greatest historiansOn a warm July evening in 1985, a middle-aged man stood on the pavement of a busy avenue in the heart of Moscow, holding a plastic carrier bag. In his grey suit and tie, he looked like any other Soviet citizen. The bag alone was mildly conspicuous, pri

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