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Miracle Creek

$ 499 元 原價 499




 某天壓力艙爆炸了,造成了兩人死亡,Yoo氏家男主人終身癱瘓只能坐輪椅,女兒則是留下一輩子都沒辦法抹滅的疤痕,過了一年後,Yoo氏因應法官要求出庭作證。被控告的Elizabeth Ward因有嫌疑為了殺害自己患有自閉症的兒子,而策畫此爆炸。


 Angie Kim出生於韓國首爾,在哈佛法學院攻讀,曾在知名法律事務所任職,她的作品曾獲得獎項肯定,Miracle Creek是她的第一本小說。

'That wonderful, brilliant sort of book you want to shove at people as soon as you've finished so they can experience it for themselves' Erin Morgenstern

A thrilling debut novel for fans of Liane Moriarty and Celeste Ng about how far we'll go to protect our families - and our deepest secrets

My husband asked me to lie. Not a big lie. He probably didn't even consider it a lie, and neither did I, at first . . .

In rural Virginia, Young and Pak Yoo run an experimental medical treatment device known as the Miracle Submarine - a pressurised oxygen chamber that patients enter for "dives", used as an alternative therapy for conditions including autism and infertility. But when the Miracle Submarine mysteriously explodes, killing two people, a dramatic murder trial upends the Yoos' small community.

Who or what caused the explosion? Was it the mother of one of the patients, who claimed to be sick that day but was smoking down by the creek? Or was it Young and Pak themselves, hoping to cash in on a big insurance payment and send their daughter to college? The ensuing trial uncovers unimaginable secrets from that night?trysts in the woods, mysterious notes, child-abuse charges?as well as tense rivalries and alliances among a group of people driven to extraordinary degrees of desperation and sacrifice.

Angie Kim's Miracle Creek is a thoroughly contemporary take on the courtroom drama, drawing on the author's own life as a Korean immigrant, former trial lawyer, and mother of a real-life "submarine" patient. Both a compelling page-turner and an excavation of identity and the desire for connection, Miracle Creek is a brilliant, empathetic debut from an exciting new voice.

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