The American Trap: My Battle to Expose America's Secret Economic War Against the Rest of the World | 拾書所

The American Trap: My Battle to Expose America's Secret Economic War Against the Rest of the World

$ 599 元 原價 599




--弗雷德里克‧皮耶魯齊 (Frédéric Pierucci)

本書介出自香港中和出版《美國陷阱: 如何通過非經濟手段瓦解他國商業巨頭 》

In 2014, France lost part of the control of its nuclear power plants to the United States. Frederic Pierucci, former senior executive of one of Alstom's subsidiaries, found himself at the heart of this state scandal. His story goes to the very heart of a $12 billion thriller that illustrates the secret economic war that the United States is waging in Europe. And after being silenced for a long time, he has decided, with the help of journalist Matthieu Aron, to reveal all. In April 2013, Frederic was arrested in New York by the FBI and prosecuted for a bribery case, despite not being involved at all. The US authorities locked him up for more than two years - including fourteen months in a very high security prison. In doing so, they forced Alstom to pay the biggest penalty ever imposed by the United States, and to give up areas of control to General Electric, Alstom's biggest American competitor. Frederic's story unpacks how the United States is diverting the law and morality and using corporate law as an economic weapon against its own allies. One after the other, some of the world's largest companies are being actively destabilised to the benefit of the US Treasury, in acts of sabotage that seem only to be the beginning of what's to come...

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