Real Food Projects: 30 Skills. 46 Recipes from Scratch | 拾書所

Real Food Projects: 30 Skills. 46 Recipes from Scratch

$ 690 元 原價 1,045



還在吃精緻的再製食品嗎?返璞歸真,全食物提案正流行。這本全新推出的全食物飲食計畫食譜收錄30種必備的烹飪技巧,讓你重新愛上食物最新鮮及質樸的原味。多數人以為自己動手做料理既複雜又耗時,其實只要善用當地新鮮食材,就算是廚房菜鳥,跟著作者Kate Walsh簡單明瞭的指引,不論是自製手工奶油搭配歐式免揉麵包,或自製醬料烤出美味的燒烤,再搭配當季最新鮮的水果做出能量果昔全都能輕鬆完成。全書章節分為準備食材、自製果醬、醃黃瓜與酸辣醬、自製乳製品、麵包與薄餅製作、自製發酵食品及每週的自我犒賞料理等。自製全食物飲食計畫不但能改善健康,還能清楚了解每日是否攝取足夠的營養,更棒的是這些自製全食物料理還非常美味可口!

Real Food Projects is your handbook to 30 essential cooking skills that will connect you with your food again. Even if you're a kitchen rookie, you'll soon be churning your own butter and slathering it on your own no-knead bread, barbecuing your own homemade sausages or using the season's freshest fruits to make your own cordials. Step-by-step instructions and photographs guide you from start to finish. For too long we've been sold the idea that making our own food is difficult, time-consuming and not worth the effort. But self-taught cook and sustainable food advocate Kate Walsh knows that learning how to cook a few kitchen staples from scratch, using fresh local and seasonal produce, is the best way to improve your health and that of our food system. Better yet, it tastes delicious! Get involved and get stuck into some real food projects today.

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