Neville Jacobs: I'm Marc's Dog | 拾書所

Neville Jacobs: I'm Marc's Dog

$ 521 元 原價 790


我是明星設計師Marc Jacob的愛犬,請稱呼我Neville Jacobs

--《T Magazine》

人人都喜愛關注名人的私生活,然而現在最受歡迎的名人不再是風波不斷的卡戴珊家族,也不是身材姣好的當紅嫩模,而是一隻名叫Neville的「寵物狗」。Neville是大名鼎鼎的知名時裝設計師Marc Jacobs的牛頭梗愛犬,從幼犬時期就經常出現在主人身旁,透過Marc Jacobs的時尚品味裝扮及攝影師拍攝,Neville快速在時尚圈竄紅,甚至有自己專屬的IG帳號。透過這本Neville專屬攝影集,挖掘牠超乎凡狗的迷人魅力,不論是身處頂尖設計師的辦公桌,或是走在時髦的紐約蘇活區,Neville的時尚潮流引領整個曼哈頓。書中Neville品嚐可口的漢堡、在泳池與名模消磨時光,甚至邀請狗名模朋友Choo Choo Charlie搭乘私人飛機。可愛的寵物正在大肆逆襲時尚產業,不但拍攝精品廣告,甚至推出獨家聯名商品,想一睹時尚新寵Neville的魅力,千萬不容錯過!

The Instagram photographs of the glamorous life of Neville, social-media superstar and esteemed companion of the fashion designer Marc Jacobs. Dubbed "the hardest working dog in fashion" by T Magazine, Neville Jacobs—the sweet-natured bull terrier belonging to the ubiquitous Marc—is, in the canine world at least, fast becoming as popular as his owner. Drawing on hundreds of photographs taken of Neville from puppyhood to today, this charming book not only captures the character of one charismatic animal, but also sheds light (and some fur) on the busy and glamorous world of a downtown New York dog. From the Marc Jacobs offices (where Neville plays a key role) to the streets of SoHo, the dog runs of Manhattan, and even private jets to exotic vacations, Neville’s life is a whirlwind the likes of which most dogs could only twitch their paws and dream of. Surrounded by beloved friends, both human and canine—from fashion icons like Christy Turlington and Karlie Kloss to Choo Choo Charlie, the French bulldog from whom he is inseparable—Neville brings joy and his unmistakable energy to every adventure. With classic images from his popular Instagram account as well as outtakes, carefully styled shots from Neville’s "fashion editorials," and candid snapshots of Neville and Marc together, Neville Jacobs is a treat for any dog lover and a delight for anyone with equal fascination for fashion and dogs alike.

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