Siege | 拾書所


$ 599 元 原價 599



資深媒體人Michael Wolff再次祭出川普政府第一手消息,預告川普執政的結局!


資深媒體人Michael Wolff以揭露美國總統川普執政的白宮內幕的Fire and Fury成功引起話題,川普甚至揚言提告!而Michael Wolff卻再次勇往直前,新書以「圍城」為題,要再次帶領大眾前驅直往受到重重包圍的美國白宮。




Michael Wolff在本書中維持一貫的大膽作風,給讀者們第一手的消息和評論,在美國內憂外患的紛擾下,這本書是給歷史上最具爭議的總統──川普,一個最即時的警示。

With Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff defined the first phase of the Trump administration; now, in Siege, he has written an equally essential and explosive book about a presidency that is under fire from almost every side. A stunningly fresh narrative that begins just as Trump's second year as president is getting underway and ends with the delivery of the Mueller report, Siege reveals as administration that is perpetually beleaguered by investigations and a president who is increasingly volatile, erratic, and exposed.

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