Live. Love. Work. Prosper: A Fresh Approach to Integrating Life and Work | 拾書所

Live. Love. Work. Prosper: A Fresh Approach to Integrating Life and Work

$ 363 元 原價 550


TelecityGroup首席執行長Michael Tobin分享人生幸福哲學,學習整合生活與工作的獨家配方

從小生長在戰爭頻傳的羅德西亞,Michael Tobin憑藉一己之力成為全球最受歡迎的慈善家及Telecity集團首席執行長。短短8年時間,從瀕臨破產到創建百億上市公司,他將在本書分享白手起家傳奇與擁有幸福人生的哲學。Michael透過他個人及職場的多年經驗,如何以智慧挑戰人生困境,學習將工作與生活切割,達到最佳分配。透過科技及商業模式,重整人生與工作,藉此達到高效率的時間管理。透過他多年的工作經驗與清晰的思考模式,結合生活、愛、工作的力量,創造強大的全新生活模式。跳脫傳統思維,幫助你創造健康、快樂及成功的人生,提高專注力與與創造力,在工作與生活上脫胎換骨!

Charismatic, philanthropic and multi-award-winning entrepreneur Michael Tobin has led an inspirational life ­- from growing up in poverty in conflict-ridden Rhodesia to taking TelecityGroup from near bankruptcy to a billion-dollar company in only eight years - and in Live. Love. Work. Prosper he shares the invaluable experience he's gained from his "life-affirming rags-to-riches tale".

In Live. Love. Work. Prosper Michael draws on his personal and professional experience to challenge the received wisdom that there needs to be, or even can be, a divide or a 'balance' between work and life. This is truer than ever, given dizzyingly rapid rates of change in technology, business models and family fragmentation. He re-evaluates how ­- now and into the future - we can be liberated by an integrated approach to success at work that's more in tune with a satisfying and fulfilling personal life.

Through anecdote, personal examples and clear thinking, Michael Tobin shows us that drawing on the combined strengths of life, love and work creates a powerful new way of living. The result is a provocative, thoughtful manifesto which aims to alter forever the old school thinking of work-life balance and replace it with a far braver new world of work-life integration. Live. Love. Work. Prosper "might just save your relationship, your career and your sanity."

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