Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: Big Questions from Tiny Mortals about Death | 拾書所

Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?: Big Questions from Tiny Mortals about Death

$ 599 元 原價 599





道堤用自身獨特的口吻,搭配知名插畫家Dianné Ruz的三十六張精彩插圖,用傳說和科學並進的方式來說明在人死之後,身體會發生什麼樣的轉換,讀者還會學到做木乃伊最適合的土、可不可以把好朋友的頭骨留下來當紀念,和如果在飛機上死了會怎麼樣。

What happens if someone dies on a plane?
Can we give Grandma a Viking funeral?
Why don't animals dig up all the graves?
Will my hair keep growing in my coffin after I'm buried?

Every day, funeral director Caitlin Doughty receives dozens of questions about death. In this book she offers factual, hilarious and candid answers to thirty-five of the most interesting questions posed by her youngest fans, sharing the lore and science of what happens to, and inside, our bodies after we die. Why do corpses groan? What causes bodies to turn strange colours during decomposition? and why do hair and nails appear longer after death? The answers are all within . . .

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