How to Argue with a Racist: History, Science, Race and Reality | 拾書所

How to Argue with a Racist: History, Science, Race and Reality

$ 473 元 原價 599
英國遺傳學者洛德佛指出,訴求科學強化種族意識形態的風氣愈來愈盛,並深入政治、移民、教育、智力領域的公眾對話。除了顯而易見的種族主義者,懷抱善意的人也可能基於經驗或文化包袱,傳播種族主義的刻板印象與迷思。他闡明,與其規避種族議題,不如正確理解思考科學與歷史,藉此與種族主義抗衡。人可以自我觀照看清自己,而非由他人判定。 Race is real because we perceive it. Racism is real because we enact it. But the appeal to science to strengthen racist ideologies is on the rise - and increasingly part of the public discourse on politics, migration, education, sport and i

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