Michael Jordan: The Life | 拾書所

Michael Jordan: The Life

$ 553 元 原價 700


我的天啊,哦,是我的神啊,Michael Jordan!
Michael Jordan: The Life,有史以來最傳奇的籃球運動員的權威傳記。

NBA出現太多優秀球員,Michael Jordan的傳奇,永遠是最被津津樂道的。太多傳記,文章爭相分析報導,這本Michael Jordan: The Life,可是大有來頭。作者Roland Lazenby 也是被譽為史上最優秀運動記者,所寫的都是暢銷書,不僅暢銷,最主要是言之有物,角度總是一針見血。


Roland Lazenby 深入喬丹的童年,家庭背景,婚姻生活,從每一個爭端探測喬丹內心世界,一個神一般的球員,他也有最平凡不願被看見的一面;當然,他在球場上精采的表現,更是這本書最亮眼之處,如果你曾經看過這些精采場景,不用打開YouTube就能重溫舊夢;如果你錯過這些空無來者的比賽,別忘了,這位被譽為美國最優秀的運動記者,透過他文字,一場場偉大的畫面,就從白紙黑字中,躍然而上,栩栩如生。

這位MJ的一生,是一部值得觀看的故事,尤其是Roland Lazenby 撰寫的Michael Jordan: The Life。

When most people think of Michael Jordan, they think of the beautiful shots, his body totally in sync with the ball, hitting nothing but net. He is responsible for incredible moments so ingrained in basketball history that they have their own names: The Shrug, The Shot, The Flu Game. But for all his greatness, there's also a dark side to Jordan: a ruthless competitor, a gambler. There's never been a biography that balanced these personas-until now.

Drawing on personal relationships with Jordan's coaches; countless interviews with friends, teammates, family members, and Jordan himself; and a career in the trenches covering Jordan in college and the pros, Roland Lazenby provides the first truly definitive study of Jordan: the player, the icon, and the man.

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