Love & Misadventure | 拾書所

Love & Misadventure

$ 470 元 原價 595


一本能夠打動你深層次心靈,產生共鳴的作品,有時。只是幾句話,有時,是一個插圖,但都能擊中心靈的某個角落,得到救贖。這是Lang Leav作品的一大特色。


Lang Leav,是詩人,也是國際參展藝術家。她的作品傳遞了愛與失去的複雜性。她有一種顛覆讀者心靈深處,令人不安的能力,卻又能驚人的簡潔畫筆,畫出最複雜的情緒,贏得了來自世界各地忠實讀者的崇拜。

The journey from love to heartbreak to finding love again is personal yet universal. Lang Leav's evocative poetry speaks to the soul of anyone who is on this journey.  Leav has an unnerving ability to see inside the hearts and minds of her readers. Her talent for translating complex emotions with astonishing simplicity has won her a cult following of devoted fans from all over the world. 

Lang Leav is a poet and internationally exhibiting artist. Her work expresses the intricacies of love and loss.

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