Yves Saint Laurent: The Perfection of Style | 拾書所

Yves Saint Laurent: The Perfection of Style

$ 1,418 元 原價 1,575



傳奇的時尚設計師聖羅蘭大名鼎鼎,作品背後的他又是個什麼樣的人?時尚史家與聖羅蘭專家Florence Müller追溯聖羅蘭生涯,從立志做為一個設計師開始,接著成為克里斯汀.迪奧的手下愛將,到1961年成立個人品牌直到2002年Gucci買下YSL為止。

本書強調YSL的創作過程:他的靈感、觀念與布料的選擇,從試衣到生產的各個階段,帶領讀者理解設計師的幕後工作。除了文字介紹,本書尚包含YSL的設計草圖、伸展台攝影以及從未出版的照片,可一窺YSL的工作樣貌,以及YSL知名服裝秀的設計,如:1966年首度問世、為女性打造的褲裝Le Smoking,1968年的狩獵羅馬衫,1965年將荷蘭藝術家蒙德里安的幾何藝術作品以及1966年將普普藝術家Wesselmann作品作為裙裝設計的元素...等等,其中尚包括YSL在1991年接受費加洛報的專訪。本書主要探索YSL如何為現代女性帶來前衛的服飾,並且以精彩的細節啟發時尚與藝術的愛好者。

An intimate look at the famed designer and his work, revealing his artistic process and influence. Modernizing haute couture. Pioneering high-end ready-to-wear. Bringing masculine ease to women’s clothing. Legendary fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent’s reputation precedes him—but what of the man behind the work? Fashion historian and YSL expert Florence Müller traces Saint Laurent’s career, from aspiring designer to Christian Dior’s protégé to director of his own fashion house from 1961 until 2002. The book emphasizes the designer’s creative process—his inspirations, the conception and fabric selection, the various stages of fitting and production—and takes the reader behind the scenes of the atelier. Also featured are original sketches, runway shots, and never-before-published photographs of Saint Laurent at work, as well as new photography of iconic YSL designs from the exhibition, including the first Tuxedo pantsuit (1966), the Safari tunic (1968), the Mondrian dress (1965), and the Wesselmann dress (1966). The book also includes a 1991 interview from Le Figaro with the late designer. This focused exploration shows how Saint Laurent’s radical clothes for the modern woman—presented here in gorgeous detail—continue to inspire fashion lovers and fans of art and design for their innovation and perfection of style.

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