JR: Can Art Change the World? (Revised and Expanded Ed.) | 拾書所

JR: Can Art Change the World? (Revised and Expanded Ed.)

$ 1,304 元 原價 1,650



從藝術改變世界 了解世界



PHIADON出版社推出的藝術作品精選全集集結JR在世界各地所參與的創作。內容與JR本人密切合作打造,其中包含他最主要的作品,包括《人行道畫廊》、2018年在時代雜誌刊登的《The Gun Chronicles: A Story of America》和知名的《Inside Out Project》企劃等。內容更邀約插畫家Joseph Remnant和策展人Nato Thompson以調查報導的方式記載這位神秘藝術家的藝術創作生涯。

Filled with stunning photography, this extraordinary monograph charts JR’s widereaching trajectory and a range of collaborative projects executed across the globe. Created in close collaboration with the artist, it features chapters on each of JR’s major bodies of work – from ‘Expo2Rue,’ which launched his career as a street artist, to ‘The Gun Chronicles: A Story of America’ published in Time magazine in 2018. A specially commissioned graphic novel by comic artist Joseph Remnant and a survey essay by Nato Thompson tell JR’s fascinating story.

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