The Happy Brain: The Science of Where Happiness Comes From, and Why | 拾書所

The Happy Brain: The Science of Where Happiness Comes From, and Why

$ 499 元 原價 499





柏納除了腦神經專業之外,也是個喜劇演員,繼揭開大腦秘密的《Idiot Brain》之後,他用一貫幽默的方式告訴讀者快樂究竟是何物,感到快樂的時候大腦又會發生怎樣的變化。

Do you want to be happy? If so – read on. This book has all the answers! Not really. Sorry. But it does have some very interesting questions, and at least the occasional answer.

The enthusiasm for and expectation of happiness are so widespread today that fundamental questions about it are often overlooked. For starters, the most basic question of all: where does happiness come from? Is it your brain – a mere concoction of chemicals, or network of neurons? Is it in fact your gut? [Spoiler alert: yes. Sort of.] Or is it external? Is it love or sex or money or success? And what are these doing to our brains anyway?

In The Happy Brain, Neuroscientist Dean Burnett delves into our most private selves to investigate what causes happiness, where it comes from, and why we are so desperate to hang onto it. The questions he raises are ones we so rarely ask today, but they address a major part of what it means to be a modern-day human.

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