The Art & Making of Independence Day: Resurgence | 拾書所

The Art & Making of Independence Day: Resurgence

$ 924 元 原價 1,400



-- 電影評論網站 Midroad Movie Review 

「Titan Books再一次證明了他們是製作電影書的最佳出版社。」-娛樂新聞網站Entertainment Buddha


這本《星際重生的藝術與製作》帶領讀者來到1996年外星人入侵以後,地球經歷了重建,還有攻擊地球的可怕新威脅。從電影製作的草圖到銀幕上的影像,本書呈現了大型太空船、外星異形、交通工具、戰鬥機、各式武器的設計與創作,還介紹了保衛世界的新成員們,充滿不可思議的觀念藝術、服裝設計和幕後攝影,以及電影團隊包括演員傑夫.高布倫(Jeff Goldblum)與導演羅蘭.艾默瑞奇(Roland Emmerich)的獨家訪問。

It’s been 20 years since the first invasion. The international community has recovered and rebuilt its defences using salvaged alien technology. However, before the last ship was destroyed in 1996, the aliens sent a distress signal. Now, that signal has been answered and humanity is under a threat greater than any it has faced before. 
The Art & Making of Independence Day Resurgence takes readers from the aftermath of the ’96 invasion, through the rebuilding of the planet, and the new, terrifying threat about to hit Earth. From sketch to screen, the book delves into the design and creation of the colossal spaceships, aliens, vehicles and fighter planes, weaponry, and the new characters defending the world. 
This official companion is packed with incredible concept art, costume design, behind-the-scenes photography, and exclusive interviews with cast and crew including Jeff Goldblum and director Roland Emmerich.
INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE ™ and © 2016 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

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