「也許Mervyn King寫了一本關於金融危機的最重要著作。不管你同不同意,King充滿遠見的想法,值得受到從經濟學科學生到國家領導人的關注。」──薩默斯(Lawrence H. Summers),美國前財政部長
銀行系統出了問題,眾所皆知。但曾在2003到2013年於英格蘭銀行 (Bank of England) 擔任行長的Mervyn King,早已先一步得知。他在英國中央銀行的十年任期內,經歷全球金融危機,也看到關於資本社會機制的重要真相。
The past twenty years saw unprecedented growth and stability followed by the worst financial crisis the industrialised world has ever witnessed. In the space of little more than a year what had been seen as the age of wisdom was viewed as the age of foolishness. Almost overnight, belief turned into incredulity.
Most accounts of the recent crisis focus on the symptoms and not the underlying causes of what went wrong. But those events, vivid though they remain in our memories, comprised only the latest in a long series of financial crises since our present system of commerce became the cornerstone of modern capitalism. Alchemy explains why, ultimately, this was and remains a crisis not of banking - even if we need to reform the banking system - nor of policy-making - even if mistakes were made - but of ideas.
In this refreshing and vitally important book, former governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King - an actor in this drama - proposes revolutionary new concepts to answer the central question: are money and banking a form of Alchemy or are they the Achilles heel of a modern capitalist economy?