Is There Still Sex in the City? | 拾書所

Is There Still Sex in the City?

$ 599 元 原價 599


經典作品《慾望城市》作者Candace Bushnell以自身經驗暢談大齡女子的真實愛情故事

 因為《慾望城市》走紅的暢銷作家Candace Bushnell,結合自身經驗,大齡都會女性的生活為主軸,以居住在紐約的5060歲時髦女性的視角出發,不論是魅力十足的地方媽媽、渴望激情與鮮肉的「獅奶」、子女管教問題、離婚和喪偶等各種幸福與辛酸,描述她們面臨人生的各種情感壓力。


Candace Bushnell gets personal in her new memoir - an investigation into what happens when a woman of a certain age (ok, let's call it 'middle' ) finds herself not-so-young, free and single in the city.

MILFs, cougars, love, sex, divorce - Candace's brilliantly funny and honest first-person account lays bare the truth behind middle-aged romance. Among other revelations we read her Modern Day Cougar Compendium , including guidance on such important matters as the Unexpected Cub Pounce (sometimes the cub does the pouncing); what to do when your age-appropriate date asks you to pay for his kitchen renovation, and the Pluses and Minuses of Being Older and Wiser.

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