Philographics: Big Ideas in Simple Shapes | 拾書所

Philographics: Big Ideas in Simple Shapes

$ 869 元 原價 965



「史丹佛哲學百科全書為了解釋相對論總共使用28,250個英文字彙,而英國平面設計師Genis Carreras則使用32組字彙及搭配的圖像就完整說明哲學意涵。」--《Co.Design》

「令人讚嘆不已的視覺設計計畫。」--《Brain Pickings》

你能想像艱深難懂的哲學理論,只需一張極簡圖像就能概括重點嗎?由英國平面設計師Genis Carreras將複雜的哲學理論圖像化,集結成精簡的圖像。這本哲學懶人包插畫書,共耗費設計師兩年的時間,95組設計分別代表一種哲學理論,以幾何圖樣及鮮豔的色彩,再搭配精闢的說明,解析多元主義、虛無主義、自由意志、存在主義及理想主義等概念。

"It takes the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 28,250 words to explain the woolly concept of relativism. It takes Genis Carreras 32 words and a single image. If you ask me, he doesn't even need the text."—Co.Design

"Remarkable visual eloquence in his Philographics project."—Brain Pickings

Philographics is all about explaining big ideas in simple shapes, merging the world of philosophy and graphic design. Here are ninety-five designs, each depicting a different "–ism" using a unique combination of geometric shapes, colors, and a short definition of the theory.

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