The Introvert Entrepreneur | 拾書所

The Introvert Entrepreneur

$ 495 元 原價 550





Beth L. Buelow是一位專門訓練性格內向者的教練及專業演講人。2010年她創辦一個專門培訓性格內向者的機構The Introvert Entrepreneur,她的播客節目也相當受到歡迎。曾培訓成千上百的人們,訓練他們的口才及社交技巧,幫助他們融入社會並在事業中獲取成功。

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are often grouped together as some of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, but they also have something else in common – they are all introverts. In The Introvert Entrepreneur professional coach Beth Buelow shows us how introverts can utilise their natural gifts (such as listening) and overcome their weaknesses (such as an aversion to networking) when it comes to starting a business, taking on the mistaken but prevailing assumption that entrepreneurial success belongs to the extroverts.

What many people, including introverts themselves may not know, is that the strengths and traits of the typical introvert – curiosity, desire for depth over breadth, comfort with going solo, thoroughness and thoughtfulness and love of research – lend themselves well to entrepreneurship. This book shares the stories and lessons from introverts who have built successful businesses and created a way of life that honours their natural energy. Topics covered include fears, mind-set, failure and self-management, values, networking, marketing, sales, creating community, partnership and expansion. 

An introvert trying to be a fake extrovert is just that: a fake extrovert. The Introvert Entrepreneur takes a strengths-based approach to being a successful entrepreneur, while also helping you deal with the particular roadblocks you may encounter when building a business.

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