Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get It | 拾書所

Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get It

$ 699 元 原價 699




如果說矽谷是世界上創造財富最厲害的機器,Sand Hill Road可說是矽谷的核心引擎,在這條路上有許多知名公司,包含享譽國際的私人投資公司Andreessen Horowitz(又名a16z),其中,合夥人Scott Kupor不藏私分享創投領域的精華。




Scott Kupor本業是律師,之後成為成功的投資客,過程中他做了許多功課、付出極大的努力達到現在的位置,他將告訴你投資客們是如何決定投資誰、什麼時候投資、企業家要怎樣和投資客保持良好的關係,從中獲得最大的利益、獲得投資客的支持最關鍵的就是在如何說出一個好故事等。

Worth far more than its cover price ... I wish I’d had it available to me when I was first looking for startup funding' -- Eric Rees

Every startup needs capital, and ambitious startups seek it on Sand Hill Road – Silicon Valley’s dream street for entrepreneurs. That’s where you’ll find the biggest names in venture capital, including the famed VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, where lawyer-turned-entrepreneur-turned-VC Scott Kupor serves as managing partner.

Whether you’re trying to get a new company off the ground or scale an existing business to the next level, you need to understand how VCs think. Secrets of Sand Hill Road is the first book that shows you exactly how VCs decide where and how much to invest. It will help you get the best possible deal and make the most of your relationships with VCs. You’ll learn, for instance:

-- Why most VCs typically invest in only one startup in a given business category
-- Why the talent you need most when raising venture capital is your storytelling ability
-- How to handle a 'down round', when you have to raise funds at a lower valuation than in your previous round
-- Why bridge financing (reopening your last round to existing investors) is generally a bad idea
-- What to do when VCs get too entangled in the day-to-day operations of your business
-- Why you need to build relationships with potential acquirers long before you decide to sell

Filled with Kupor’s firsthand experiences, insider advice, and practical takeaways, Secrets of Sand Hill Road is the guide you need to turn yourstartup into the next unicorn.

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