La Seduction: How the French Play the Game of Life | 拾書所

La Seduction: How the French Play the Game of Life

$ 504 元 原價 560



法國是一個充滿誘惑魅力的國家,這個國家的優雅、美、感官享受以及生活樂趣,全部都充滿了誘惑。本書作者Elaine Sciolino長年擔任《紐約時報》駐巴黎的總編發現在法國,「誘惑」背後的意涵,比你所想的、認知到的還要深奧。

「誘惑」一詞是深度解讀法國這個國家的關鍵字,它不僅深深影響了法國人如何墜入情網、談戀愛,更影響他們如何談生意、如何享用美酒美食、如何定義風格、如何唇槍舌戰進行激辯、如何投下選票,以及如何在全球發揮影響力。在《La Seduction》一書中,作者帶領我們一窺「誘惑」這個概念,是如何從法國一般市井店家到政府機關,從凡爾賽宮的庭園到農業核心地帶,毫無遺漏、全面地對法國人的生活產生作用。

France is a seductive country, seductive in its elegance, its beauty, its sensual pleasures, and its joie de vivre. Elaine Sciolino, the longtime Paris bureau chief of The New York Times, has discovered that seduction is much more. It is the key to understanding France and plays a crucial role not only in how the French fall in love, but also in how they conduct business, enjoy food and drink, define style, engage in intellectual debate, elect politicians, and project power around the world. In La Seduction, Sciolino gives us an inside view of how seduction works in all areas of French life, from the shops of Paris to the halls of government, from the gardens of Versailles to the agricultural heartland.

In a new preface written for the paperback edition, Sciolino shows how the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case has thrust France into a searching debate about the future of seduction and the culture of pleasure, which cuts to the heart of France’s national identity. In this as in every other aspect of French life, Elaine Sciolino proves herself to be a charming, insightful, and—yes—seductive guide.


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