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當本書在波蘭出版時,書評驚歎:「為何她的詩總是越來越好?」本書被認為是辛波絲卡最好的作品,裡面收錄27首詩作,波蘭文與英文並陳,英文並由得獎譯者Clare Cavanagh and Stanislaw Baranczak譯成。


From the title poem:

I can’t speak for elsewhere,
but here on Earth we’ve got a fair supply of everything.
Here we manufacture chairs and sorrows,
scissors, tenderness, transistors, violins, teacups, dams, and quips . . .

Like nowhere else, or almost nowhere,
you’re given your own torso here,
equipped with the accessories required
for adding your own children to the rest.
Not to mention arms, legs, and astonished head.

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