The Botanical Wall Chart: Art from the Golden Age of Scientific Discovery | 拾書所

The Botanical Wall Chart: Art from the Golden Age of Scientific Discovery

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植物學攝影大師Anna Laurent重現19世紀植物圖鑑

對植物情有獨鍾的植物學及攝影師Anna Laurent走遍世界各地,透過鏡頭捕捉植物瞬間之美,也讓人們重新認識大自然的特殊魅力。這本植物圖鑑結合藝術、科學及歷史意義,紀錄19-20世紀的重要植物圖鑑。歐洲曾是擁有大量植物藝術插畫的黃金年代,造就許多自然主義者開始探索全世界,尋求更豐富的植物新知,在尋求知識的好奇心下,人們逐漸從學校轉往其他國家發現大自然的奧秘。本書由知名植物學家及攝影師Anna Laurent精選世界各地的植物圖鑑及發現新品種植物的相關歷史,帶領讀者一起感受植物獨特魅力!

Botanical charts are experiencing a resurgence in interest, both as pieces of art and as objects of scientific and historical significance, and The Botanical Wall Chart documents this extraordinary convergence of disciplines that flourished in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Europe was enjoying a golden age of botanical illustration, naturalists were exploring the globe, and there was a calamour for knowledge of the natural world. Intellectual curiosity was no longer limited to the few; education was now considered a right afforded to all, in classrooms across the continent. And thus the botanical wall chart was born, a synthesis of art, science and education. This collection of wall charts from all over the globe, each accompanied by text explaining its historical and botanical contexts, has been put together by botanist Anna Laurent, and will delight anyone with an interest in the natural world.

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