Get Smart! How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field | 拾書所

Get Smart! How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

$ 473 元 原價 525


知名成功學專家,《焦點法則》、《成功者跟你想的不一樣》等暢銷書作者布萊恩.崔西(Brian Tracy)告訴你,以簡單、可行之法,幫助你大躍進,完成你的夢想!

「作者過去40年來的著作有目共睹,Get Smart這本書,將向你展現作者如何賺進大把鈔票,創造了一群遍布全球的忠實客戶。要聰明…掏錢買兩本,然後送一本給朋友。」- Bob Proctor (全球知名的演講家與心靈導師,暢銷書The ABCs of Success作者)





In today’s constantly changing world, you have to be smart to get ahead. But the average person uses only about two percent of their mental ability. How can we learn to unleash our brain’s full potential to maximize our opportunities, like the most successful people do?

In Get Smart!, acclaimed success expert and bestselling author Brian Tracy reveals simple, proven ways to tap into our natural thinking talents and abilities and make quantum leaps toward achieving our dreams. In this indispensable guide, you’ll learn to:
· Train your brain to think in ways that create successful results
· Recognize and exploit growth opportunities in any situation
· Identify and eliminate negative patterns holding you back
· Plan, act, and achieve goals with greater precision and speed
Whether you want to increase sales, bolster creativity, or better navigate life’s unexpected changes, Get Smart! will help you tap into your powerful mental resources to obtain the results you want and reap the rewards successful people enjoy.

From the Hardcover edition.

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