「風趣且令人驚艷的作品。作者介紹大衛‧鮑伊在70年代的重大音樂轉變,從華麗搖滾時期到極簡主義及龐克音樂風格,後期激進的左派政治傾向,深深影響他後期在音樂上的表現。」─《Sunday Times》
披頭四暢銷自傳書《You Never Give Me Your Money》作者Peter Doggett為大衛‧鮑伊打造一本以歌曲發行時間為排序的精彩自傳書,探討大衛‧鮑伊在各階段的演化,更將重點放在大衛‧鮑伊全盛時期的70年代,豐富的音樂產量及創新的造型衝擊當時的流行樂壇。大衛‧鮑伊擁有獨到的眼光,看出別人眼中看不見的美麗與潛力,除了身為藝術表演者,更充分將音樂與時尚融合的完美無缺,直到至今,Ziggy Stardust的造型依舊是時尚不朽的指標,更是跨性別時尚造型的先驅。作者認為大衛‧鮑伊70年代時期在音樂及藝術上的貢獻,深深影響及造就現今許多當代偉大的音樂人,例如電台司令及女神卡卡。身為大衛‧鮑伊的鐵粉絕對能從這本作品感受大衛‧鮑伊在70年代迷人的魅力及精湛的音樂奇蹟。
No artist offered a more incisive and accurate portrait of the troubled landscape of the 1970s than David Bowie. Cultural historian Peter Doggett explores the rich heritage of Bowie's most productive and inspired decade, and traces the way in which his music reflected and influenced the world around him. From 'Space Oddity', his dark vision of mankind's voyage into the unknown terrain of space, to the Scary Monsters album, Doggett examines in detail Bowie's audacious creation of an 'alien' rock star, Ziggy Stardust, and his increasingly perilous explorations of the nature of identity and the meaning of fame. Mixing brilliant musical critique with biographical insight and acute cultural analysis, The Man Who Sold The World is a unique study of a major artist and his times.